HomeGeorevaSeismicBorehole seismicDevprobe1 Deviation Probe

Devprobe1 Deviation Probe

Drilling direction is needed where precise XYZ location of a downhole tool is required. The DevProbe1 borehole logging tool is designed to provide drilling deviation and inlination for numerous applications like seismic tomography and crosshole testing.

The deviation probe DevProbe 1 is used to measure the borehole deviation. A three-axis magnetometer measures the azimuthal direction of the borehole and a dual tilt sensor provides information about the inclination. The probe is sealed and temperature compensated. Borehole deviation is required to determine the precise XYZ location of a seismic source or receiver inside a borehole. A software is provided to visualize and store the deviation data.

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Technical specifications

Operational depth : Up to 150 m.
Probe length: 1235 mm.
Probe diameter: 40 mm.
Probe weight: 3.45 kg.
Cable weight per metre: 62 g.
Cable strength: 1700 N.
Borehole diameter: 50 mm.
Azimuth range: 0-360°
Azimuth resolution: 12 bit (<0.5°).
Tilt range: 0-70° (linear corrected).
Tilt resolution: 12 bit (<0.2°).
Temperature range: -30 to +85°C.
Depth indicator: Cable marker every 1 m.
Storage: On drum.

Manufacturer: Geotomographie (Germany).