HomeGeorevaMonitoring InstrumentationSeismic Vibrations Range Source

Seismic Vibrations Range Source

All Seismogrpah from Seismic Source are customizable to you needs (Power, Storage, Data transfert ..). They can be also used with geophones, accelometers or hydrophones. They are all compatible between them with the Event monitor

The vibration range includes the following elements :

Measurement units : DAQ-4, SIGMA-4 or DX-6
Event Monitor server : data analysis, alarms. Available in local server (Computer) or on a remote server (Cloud)
Rabbit Module : A microcomputer that analyzes in the field before sending it to the Event Monitor Server.

External Rabbit Modules can handle up :

10 interconnected units
30 measurement channels
Eternet and Wi-Fi connection


Technical Specifications

Measurement units : DAQ-4SIGMA-4 or DX-6
Number of lanes: 3 to 24 lanes
Sampling : 125 à 64000 sample/s.
GPS : Internal or External (Synchronization and positioning).
Power Supply : 12V , internal and external battery, solar panels.
Sensors : geophones, accelometers or hydrophones.
Synchronisation : Internet time, GPS, PPS, Ethernet RJ45.
Wi-Fi : internal (30m) or external (500m).
3G/4G Network : Internal or External Rabbit module.
Processing Software: Event Monitor (local or remote).
Recording : Full Signal/Events
Trigger : Time Break, Manual, Auto, Events.

Measurement units

Autonomous measurement units

Once set, the units save the data to their internal memories. The operator can unload them with the Rj45 interface and then import and process them with the Event Monitor server

Unit of measure associated with a server

The measurement units record and send all data in real time (via Ethernet connection, long range Wi-Fi or 3G/4G) to the Event monitor server. This solution allows data analysis and an alarm system (e-mails) in real time. In addition, all the raw data of each unit is saved on the server and can be post processed later.

Unit of measure associated with a Rabbit module and connected to a server

Measured unit data is analyzed by rabbit modules directly ont the field. Then, an analysis file is sent every minute to the remote Event Monitor server to feed the alarm system.

thus, only the analyzed data is sent (Wi-Fi or 3G/4G) to the Event Monitor server. The raw data is saved on the internal memory of the unit until it is overwritten.

If an event exceend the set thresholds, the complete data is downloaded.

In addition, Event MonitorB can create an event manually to retrieve the raw data.