The MS2 is a highly versatile and reliable tool recognised as the world standard for environmental magnetic susceptibility measurements. It comprises a meter with a range of sensors and probes for measuring the magnetic susceptibility of many types. This types including :
- soils
- rocks
- powders and liquids.
Technical specifications
Range 0.09999 SI (specific volume)
Maximum resolution 2×10-6 SI (2 x10-7 CGS)
Units SI or CGS
Measurement time 1s or 10s
Display Yes
Laboratory data logging Yes (with Bartsoft or Multisus)
Field data logging Not available Yes
Weight 1.9kg
Internal battery 0.7Ah sealed Ni-MH gives 8 hours use before recharge is required
Operating temperature -10°C to +40°C
Dimensions (W x H x D) 155 x 50 x 256mm
RS232 interface to PC 1200/9600 baud rate selected on rear panel Pin assignment: 1 = Ground Ov, 2 = MS2 Tx, 3 = MS2 Rx
Interface connector 4-way rear panel Fischer socket TNC-TNC
Manufacturer : Bartington
The system is suitable for use in the laboratory and in the field.
In the wide range of equipment used are the following world standard references :
MS2 : a magnetic susceptibility meter which can be connected to individually calibrated sensors. Powered from internal batteries (and rechargeable), a serial interface provides computer control and data transfer.
MS2B : a dual frequency sensor used for mass or volume specific measurements of standard palaeomagnetic samples in studies of rock and mineral magnetism. It can also be used with the ASM-BAR software package and sample adaptor for measurements of the anistrophy of magnetic susceptibility
MS2C : a core logging sensor for high resolution volume susceptibility measurements on whole cores, suitable for measuring peat, lake or marine sediment core. Used in prospection, core correlation and the identification of paleoclimatic sequences.
MS2D : a probe designed for effective assessment of the concentration of ferrimagnetic materials in the top 60 mm of the land surface, particularly in studies of slope processes and archaeological prospecting.
MS2EI : a surface scanning sensor for high resolution measurements on the surface of split drill or soft sediment cores.
MS2F : a miniature probe for the study of exposed geological and archaeolical sections. It can be used where difficult surface conditions prevent good contact with the MS2D.